Thanks to the folks at Chevy, we got a sneak peek at the new Transformers movie that will open at midnight tonight. No screen caps of new models here – the theater had three ushers watching the crowd – one of them with a night vision device (seriously??). Anyway, if you want to see the HX and H3T in action – you don’t have to wait long, the two make their appearance very early in the movie.
If you’re planning on seeing the movie, don’t worry, nothing in this write-up will give any plot details away.
The HUMMER HX (H4) and the H3T are the primary security vehicles of “NEST,” which in the movie is a special division of the U.S. Military. If you’re not watching specifically for HUMMERs, they can be easy to overlook. Overall, I found that the product/brand placement was done much more tastefully in this flick than its predecessor.
At one point the HUMMER HX is driven off the back of a moving semi-truck – pretty slick!
Ratchet, the HUMMER H2 Autobot from the first film also makes an appearance.
If you’re looking for a good action flick and want to see some of the first action shots of the concept HUMMER HX vehicle, we recommend Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.