Over 35 volunteers from Tread Lightly, HUMMER, and local four-wheel-drive clubs teamed with U.S. Forest Service workers for trail maintenance in the Sierra National Forest in California. This is the second trail maintenance event sponsored by the new partnership with Tread Lightly called HUMMER’s Recreation Rescue.
“This project is a great opportunity for the Forest Service and the forest visitors to work with Hummer and Tread Lightly!, who are dedicated to providing recreational experiences while protecting the integrity of the forest ,” said Greg Marks of the Sierra National Forest.
With a plethora of HUMMERs in the area, some journalists were invited to take the new 2009 H3T pickup for a spin on the trails, and here’s what they’ve had to say:
Trucktrend: “…after driving it in the environment for which it was built, we’re guessing the H3T could have strong repercussions for Hummer and other 4×4 pickup-truck makers for years to come.”
Autoblog: If you just want a pickup truck, go somewhere else. If you want a pickup truck that says something and can do nearly anything, well, there isn’t much else out there.