We’re proud to announce that HummerGuy.net has acquired a 2009 HUMMER H3 that will undergo a series of upgrades and modifications. We decided to get in on the action after keeping up with Four Wheeler Magazine’s “Project Trail Hugger” H3, and put our own spin on a vehicle.
We won’t be doing major changes like re-painting the H3, but we will be bringing you upgrades greatly improve the look and utility of the H3, and that most in the DIY crowd can handle. Or, if you prefer, you can always have these mods done your local HUMMER dealer or four-wheel-drive shop.
While we have an overall vision of the truck (losing the chrome to start) and have already begun some modifications, we’re open to suggestions or products you think we ought to consider. Just drop us a line at ‘brian at hummerguy.net.’