It’s been a few weeks since my race with Team HUMMER, and one question I’ve been is about HUMMER’s motive behind sponsoring a race team. After all, HUMMER is one of only a few auto manufacturers that directly sponsors a team in this type of racing (stock class off-road). Thad Stump is the lead engineer for Team HUMMER and also happened to be our driver for the
Terrible’s Town 250 Pre-Run. Stump said during a recent interview that the motive behind racing HUMMERs is two fold. Racing showcases the incredible capabilities of the stock HUMMERs, and it also allows GM’s engineers to see how the vehicles handle under extreme conditions. According to Stump, about 20 production model changes have resulted directly from the race program in the last 4 or 5 years.
Related Links:
Racing with Team HUMMER: The Video
Racing with Team HUMMER: The Race
Racing with Team HUMMER: The Results
Racing with Team HUMMER: The Night Before
Racing with Team HUMMER: The Pre Run
Racing with Team HUMMER: The Preview
Photo: John Pappenfort, Team HUMMER